Download here our latest informatieblad (January 2020). Here you will find relevant information about the current period, important dates (also available in our agenda on the website), teachers, courses, additional information per location and more.
Swimming school Aquayara has been providing swimming lessons for children from the age of 4 years in Flevoland for more than 15 years. The swimming lessons, which are given by qualified instructors, are offered in a playful and child-friendly way. We used to be located in Almere Muziekwijk, Almere Tussen de Vaarten and Lelystad (Hanzeborg). From 1st of May 2024 we are only giving swimming classes in Lelystad.
We also have instructors who are experienced in swimming lessons for children with a (mobility) disability/chronic illness / behavioral disorder. The groups at our swimming school consist around 9 children (A diploma) or 12 children (B, C diploma and Advanced swimming 1, 2 and 3). It is possible to take private lessons (1 on 1) or swimming lessons in a smaller group.
Other activities – mermaid workshop in Almere Muziekwijk & Lelystad.
Prices – Look at prices for an overview of all prices and the various activities that we offer.
Waiting list – The length of the waiting list various per activity and location. If you would like to know the waiting list of your activity, please take a look at “Prices“.
Testlesson – Children who already have experience with swimming lessons can qualify for a test lesson (costs: € 5,00). You can request a testlessen through our testlesson form. The level of your child will be discussed after the test lesson and based on that level we can search a group for him/her. Usually it is immediately possible to start.
General terms and conditions – When registering you need to be familiar with our general terms and conditions. Click here to view it.
Complaints – Swimming school Aquayara is affiliated with the sector organization ENVOZ, the national organization that focuses on the quality of swimming education in the Netherlands. If you have a complaint about your child’s swimming lesson, please contact the swimming school; by phone on 036-5408237 on the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday between 3.30 PM and 06.00 PM, Wednesday and Friday between 09.30 AM and 06.00 PM, or Saturday between 09.00 AM and 12.00 PM. Or by mail: info@aquayara.nl
Children are vulnerable and must learn to swim in a safe environment. Not only physically, but also socially. To create clarity, ENVOZ is working with partners in the swimming industry on a Code of Conduct for organizations who are providing swimming lessons. Is there really something wrong or are you worried? Then you can anonymously contact the reporting line of NOC* NSF, by phone: (0900) 202 55 90 (€ 0.10 per minute).
If you have any further questions or comments, we are happy to help you via our contact form.