Fastcourse A-diploma
Get the A-diploma accelerated including diploma guarantee! The fastcourse A starts approximately every 5 months.
What does the fastcourse A diploma looks like:
Your child will get their A diploma in 5 months
Swims 2 times a week: 60 min. per lesson
A maximum of 10 children per group
Possibility to catch up 1 lesson in case of illness
Including diploma guarantee (does your child not succeed? He/she will continue in a regular group at our expenses*.
If necessary he/she will get extra lessons (free of charge)
Adjusted schedule during the autumn and Christmas holidays
A minimum presence of 95% (10 min. late = presence on absent)
Your child is not afraid for the water (a trial lesson is mandatory)
The course will only take place with sufficient registrations
Minimum age is 5 years
This course only takes place in the swimmingpool in Almere Tussen de Vaarten (Carel Willinklaan 75). We always check whether the fastcourse is achievable for your child, this is done through a trial lesson. If your child does not succeed in the fastcourse, but has attended 95%: he/she will continue swimming in a regular group on our expenses.
All-in costs: including testlesson, registration fee, trial lesson and examination
A diploma: see our page: Prices” for all actual fees. It is possible to pay in 2 parts (you will pay the half before the 1st lesson en the other half before the 20th lessen (after 10 weeks).
The course is given on 1 day afternoon and Sunday morning/ beginning of the midday.
Ofcourse it is also possible to follow the swimminglessons once a week in a regular group.

Fast courses B en C-diploma
Get the B en C diploma accelerated including diploma guarantee! The fastcourse B and C starts after every holiday in Almere Tussen de Vaarten. The next B and C fastcourse starts after the May holiday.
B diploma: six lessons (1 x per week) with a total of 1,5 hours and 15 minutes break (the children stay in the swimmingpool).
C diploma: eight lessons (often 1 x per week) with a total of 1,5 hours and 15 minutes break (the children stay in the swimmingpool).
These courses only take place in the swimmingpool in Almere Tussen de Vaarten (Carel Willinklaan 75). We always make an astimate if the fastcourse is achievable for your child. This happens through a testlesson if the previous diploma has not been obtained from us). If your child does not succeed the course, but has been 100% present: he/she will continue swimming in a regular group on our expenses.
Costs all-in: see our page: Prices” for all actual fees
The fastcourse B diploma is given on the Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
The fastcourse C diploma is given on the Saturday (regularly also twice on Sunday: then it will be for 2 weekends Saturday AND Sunday (so the children can attend the exame before the next holiday).
Ofcourse it is also possible to follow the A, B and C swimming lessons once a week via regular swimming lessons.